Please feel free to email any questions you might have about the band. If you need promotion copies of our music for airplay, want to book a concert or maybe distribute our CD's; please contact any of the companies we work with. We will get back to you as fast as we can.
The Band
Box 92,
SE-385 21 Torsås,Sweden
Email: contact @ charizma.com
Web: www.charizma.com
Concert Booking/Promotion
Charizma (Sweden and other countries)
Email: contact @ charizma.com
New Line Music (Poland)
Przemyslaw Kusmierski
Cellphone: + 48 693 721 162
Email: office@newlinemusic.pl
U-Turn Music (Germany)
Phone: +49-2351-863177
Cellphone: +49-172-2907601
Email: jeannie@u-turn-music.de
Web: www.u-turn-music.de

Record Companies
Asaph Musik
P.O. Box 2889, D-58478 Lüdenscheid, Germany
Ph: +49 (0) 235 196 93 16
Fax: +49 (0) 235 196 93 17
Web: www.asaph.net
Pama Records
Box 92,
SE-385 21 Torsås,Sweden
Contact: Maxe Axelsson
+46 486 260 80
+46 486 260 98
Email: maxe@pamarecords.com
Web: www.pamarecords.com

Warner Chappell Scandinavia
Vendevagen 85 B,
SE-182 15 Danderyd, Sweden
Ph: +46 8 622 09 00
Fax: +46 8 755 15 96
Web: www.warnerchappell.se
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