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Made to Last Lyrics: T. Karlsson, J. Pesce & J. Mauritzson  
Music: T. Karlsson & J. Mauritzson  

I have a friend
Who always has to have the latest style
That special brand
You know the kind that makes your wallet cry
So I asked why
"What is it that you fi nd in all this gear?"
"It gives me stance
A statement to the one I want to be"

Moving outside in trying to alter our skin (no way)
We’re original, whether big or small
Hear me when I say

We are all invited
Arriving in fi rst class
No one is rejected
We were made to last
You and I belong here
God has made this place
We’re living in the shadow
Of His amazing grace

Must look the part
That is the message that we hear today
Don’t buy their talk
You’re so much more than all the stuff you wear

In fear of being left out, left all alone
We let ourselves be turned, turned into clones
But we are all supreme design (no lie)
Throw off your load it’s time to shine

In our society we have become so obsessed with appearance it seems our catchphrase has become; "If you look good, you feel good". This to me is an absurd notion. True well being comes from living life in the presence of the One who made us - not in following the whims of lifestyle experts.
- TK

© Asaph Musik/PAMA records. Publishing by Warner Chappell

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