Click to pre-order the new single

"Life in 3D" gets Asian release 31/03/2005
More great news from the record company; negotiations are under way for the latest album "Life in 3D" to be released in Asia. The deal includes Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia Thailand and China. We'll let you know when there's a release date set.

Life in 3D now available for download on Itunes, Napster and Real! 18/03/2005
Charizma's record company announced today that "Life in 3D" now has worldwide release through e-stores Itunes, and Napster. The album can be bought by visiting the following locations;, and
The released tracks do not include the single remixes.

Concerts in Austria, starting in Vienna 17/03/2005
Charizma will be doing concerts in Austria this summer! The band will play at the Donauinselfest in Vienna. It's one of the largest outdoor events in Europe.
Other bands playing include Delirious?. Get more info at It's a first for the band who never played Austria before. More showdates to be announced.

Charizma to play Balinger Rock Night, Stuttgart, Germany in April 15/02/2005
We're so excited to let you know that we will be going back to Germany this Spring for some concerts! It's been a few years and we've missed you guys.
The first concert that's been boked is the Balinger Rock Night in the south of Germany.


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PAMA Records Asaph Musik Warner Chappell Scandinavia